Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 9 (Oct 15,2012) : UIP Unit

This was the first day of the third week of DHO posting. We were having a session on duties and responsibilities of UIP (Unit Inspektorat dan Penguatkuasaan, Investigation & Prosecution Unit), which was also known as the Enforcement Unit in the DHO. The main objective of the establishment of this unit is to carry out the enforcement of the Health Law against those breached the law.

  Establishment is based on the Public Health Circular No. 1/2004 
dated 11 February 2004, signed by the Deputy Director of Health
at that time, namely  Dato 'Dr. Shafie Ooyub.
•  UPP in DHO Pendang was staffed by an Assistant 
Environmental Health officer (En. Hassim) and an Assistant Public 
To carry out the duties of enforcement and prosecution of public health law with more professional as well as enhance the quality and effectiveness of enforcement of Public Health Law. 

Objectives: To enforce public health laws that provide protection and equal justice to all parties, in particular in the Health District Pendang.

•  Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations 1985.
  Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act 1975 and
    amendments (2000) 
  The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases 1988
•  Regulations of Tobacco Control 2004
  Guidelines under the Food Act 1983.
•  Enforcement Guidelines under the Destruction of Disease-
    Bearing Insects (APSPP 1975)




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